Jaipur: A school teacher was arrested on Thursday for allegedly raping his minor student in Rajasthan’s Karauli district. According to the police, the 11-year-old victim, who studies in class 6, went to school on Tuesday. When she did not return, her mother went to the school and searched for her. The victim’s mother heard her cries coming from a room that was locked from the inside.
When she forced the door open, she saw the teacher with her daughter. The accused allegedly pushed the mother and ran away from the spot. The girl narrated her ordeal to her mother, following which they lodged a complaint against the teacher. The accused was nabbed by the police on Thursday. He was booked under section 376 of the IPC and POCSO Act. In the last 3 months, there have been four cases of rape and molestation of girls in schools in Rajasthan.