Lucknow: The Allahabad High Court on Thursday reserved order for January 11th in connection with the bail plea of Ashish Mishra, who is a prime accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri incident. The plea came before Justice Rajiv Singh. Meanwhile, Ashish Mishra has sought time to file a counter-affidavit. The court will hear the plea on January 11th.
A vehicle allegedly crushed down farmers who were protesting against the farm laws On October 3rd. Local farmers had blamed Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Ajay Mishra ‘Teni and his son Ashish Mishra for the violence that left 8 dead, including four farmers a local journalist, and others during a farmer’ protest. They were mowed down allegedly by a vehicle that was part of the convoy of the Minister in Lakhimpur Kheri in north-central Uttar Pradesh.