Raipur: In the wake of rising cases of coronavirus, the Chhattisgarh government on Tuesday imposed lockdown-like restrictions in the state and banned all public events as preventive measures. Night curfew from 10 PM to 6 AM should be implemented, the CMO said in the order. In the fresh order, the Chhattisgarh government said the complete ban has been imposed on processions, rallies, public gatherings, social, cultural and sports events in every district.
The state government further added that random testing for COVID-19 at railway stations and borders of the state will start for the state-bound passengers. The state government also added that in districts with a positivity rate of 4% or more all schools, Anganwadi centres, libraries, swimming pools, malls, cinemas, marriage palaces, hotels, restaurants, auditoriums should be closed.
CM Baghel said he has instructed collectors and SPs to ensure compliance with all possible measures to contain the transmission of coronavirus, stating that the objective is to limit the risk of the spread of the infection and not to slow down economic activities. Collectors and SPs should also hold meetings with Chamber of Commerce representatives, owners of malls, gyms, cinema halls, theatres, hotels, restaurants, swimming pools, auditoriums and wedding venues besides wholesalers and event management groups to ensure that these places function with only one-third of their capacity.
RT-PCR test has been made mandatory for all passengers arriving at airports in Chhattisgarh from other states, while people who have taken both doses of COVID-19 vaccines will have to submit a negative RT-PCR test report no older than 72 hours from the date of travel, the order said. Local administrations have been asked to set up micro or mini containment zones wherever necessary.