Brazilian authorities have issued flash flood warnings after two dams broke in the Northeastern state of Bahia.  According to the Civil Protection Agency in the northeastern state of Bahia, at least 35,000 people have been driven away from homes, 19600 displaced and 16000 have been forced to seek shelter. Further, the city authorities have issued warnings to residents of Jussiape and Tambe to find safety.

“A dam with a high volume of water has broken and a strong flash flood is expected to affect the municipality of Itambe in a few moments. All residents should evacuate from the banks of the river Verruga urgently”, City Authorities posted on social media.

While there have been no immediate reports of deaths or injuries, the floodwater has damaged infrastructure in the area including roads and bridges, thus reducing mobility. While the Federal authorities have joined forces with the civil authorities, equipment and supplies have been made available to people through aircraft.