Wuhan: China returned to lockdown claiming it is affected critically by the Delta variant. This move by the govt has emerged as the toughest by far amidst its zero-tolerance approach.

13 million residents have been re-instated to their homes and are instructed to designate the healthiest amongst all to perform essential outdoor activities. Authorities banned all non-essential activities after a round of mass testing resulted 127 positive cases scattered across 14 districts.

The widespread rise has put forth a challenge at the time of the year when the world cherishes its relations. To prevent the infections in Xi’an from flowing into other areas, authorities on Thursday restricted all domestic departures. Officials in Beijing all set to host the Winter Olympics in February acknowledged that the spread of COVID during the mass games is inevitable. They urged all participants to get booster shots to protect themselves and others from the virus.

So far, Chinese authorities have reported four Omicron infections in passengers who arrived from overseas. However, no reports have confirmed the spread of the new variant at a community level.  Authorities have tightened restrictions at ports and borders to prevent further seepage of the variant.