New Delhi: India’s rise in coronavirus infections has been recorded below 15,000 in the last 54 days now. However, the staggering rise in Omicron cases has been worrisome as the tally breached the 200 mark. The Health Ministry on Tuesday informed out of the total infected 77 patients had recuperated under medical support.

While the financial capital and the national capital of the country lead the tally with 54, Southern states Telangana and Karnataka registered 20 and 19 cases respectively, while Rajasthan documented 18, Kerala reported 15 cases and Gujarat reported 14 infections. Updating the data on Tuesday, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare stated to have recorded the lowest rise in the nation’s tally in 581 days. 

WHO on Monday, cautioned the ferocious spread of the Omicron variant and raised concerns on infections being caused in already jabbed or recuperated individuals. Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan added it would be ‘unwise’ to conclude from early evidence that Omicron was a milder variant than the previous ones. “ With the numbers going up, all health systems are going to be under strain, the chief said,” As per shreds of evidence globally it is believed that the variant has been successfully evading immune responses and therefore, she asserted on immunization of those with a weaker immune system.