Madhya Pradesh: The MP State Regulatory Commission has accepted the petition presented by the power companies of the state to increase the rate of electricity by 8.71% for the financial year 2022-23. After this, the regulatory commission will take a decision to increase the electricity rates. If the rates are increased according to the demand of the companies, then a power consumer will get a big blow.

For the financial year 2022-23, a total need of Rs 48 thousand 874 crores has been announced by the three power distribution companies (East, Central and West) of the state. In this, the western sector company will spend the maximum amount of 19 thousand 428 crores. Whereas, the East Zone Electricity Distribution Company will spend the least.  It has been claimed by the company that it will get Rs.3915 crore less than this requirement at the current electricity rate. To compensate for this, it will have to increase electricity rates by 8.71 per cent.

This is the third blow to the electricity consumers in the state in a year. Earlier on December 17th, 2020, the company had increased the rates of electricity by 1.98 per cent. For the second time on June 30th 2021, the rate of 0.69 per cent was increased. At the same time, preparations are being made to increase the electricity rates by 8.71 per cent. Retired engineer Rajendra Agarwal, knowledgeable in power matters, has opposed the arbitrariness of power companies. Alleged that the most expensive electricity is being given in MP as compared to the neighbouring states. The state government is giving relief to the consumers by giving subsidies up to 100 units, but the company has failed to check the arbitrariness of the officials.