New Delhi: Lone survivor of the Tamil Nadu chopper crash, Group Captain Varun Singh, breathed his last at a military hospital in Bengaluru while undergoing treatment.PM Modi expressed grief and extended condolences to the family of the captain.”His rich service to nation will never be forgotten, said extremely anguished PM.

The IAF in a press release confirmed the demise of the captain who was rescued from the crash on December 8th. The statement read-” The IAF is deeply saddened to inform the passing away of braveheart Group Captain Varun Singh, who succumbed this morning to the injuries sustained in the helicopter accident on 08 Dec 21. IAF offers sincere condolences and stands firmly with the bereaved family. “

After sustaining grevious injuries from the chopper crash which killed Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and 12 others, Captain Varun Singh was airlifted and was on life support officials claimed. The MI-17 V5 chopper crashed at Coonoor on December 8th, which headed to Wellington.