Raipur: Protest by the farmers amidst the paddy procurement program in the state was witnessed on Saturday. Farmers at the Mandi staged agitation in regards to the MSP of Rs 1370 provided by the traders at Mandi. Angry farmers denied selling paddy to the traders citing the price unworthy of their reap.

As per the information given in by farmers, the traders began their bid from Rs 1,000 per quintal and agreed to pay RS 1570 per quintal which was much lower than that provided at the govt procurement centres.

Sources cite the hike in mandi tax as a reason for the marginal pricing by the traders. According to the details given by Dr Kamalpreet Singh, Sec of the Department of Agriculture new provisions were levied on the Mandi tax from 1st December. As per the revised rules, the mandi fee for sale of every 100kgs of agriculture produce a tax of Rs 3 was to be fulfilled, while on sale of pulses- and oil seeds Re 1 was to be paid.

Under the Paddy Procurement Program, the state administration procures an average of 20-25 quintals of paddy produced in one acre of land, due to which heaps of paddy stock piles with the farmers which they sell at the Mandi. But with a hiked Mandi tax this Kharif Season; the farmers have staged disagreement and demanded a revision of the rates.

A meeting however has been scheduled at 9:30 am on Monday where the farmers, traders and Mandi authorities would convene to re-address the Mandi tax issues.