Bhopal: The country’s Maharatna Company is going to change the arrangements for entering the factory from December 1st seeing the corona infection increasing. BHEL Additional General Manager Vinay Kumar has issued a circular making it clear that no employees and other people will be allowed to enter the factory without masks. Also, the entry gate of the factory-one (Golden Jubilee Gate) will be closed for movement from 10 AM to 2:30 PM. During this, entry and exit will be allowed from gates 5 and 6.

Reportedly, it will be mandatory for BHEL employees to wear BHEL uniforms. It will be necessary to follow safe physical distance. Contractors have to ensure that their workers are following the rules. Employees and commuters will park vehicles in the parking lot. Entry will not be allowed in the factory without wearing a helmet. The houses and roads of BHEL Township are regularly sanitized. Even after this, many BHEL employees were hit by Corona during the second wave. So to have complete precaution, BHEL Management has tightened the entry of the factory from now on. Along with this, different blocks have started focusing on following the Corona guidelines. Due to this, the production work in the BHEL factory continued well.