Gariaband: As the unseasonably rains soared huge damage to the agriculture and horticulture crops, farmers across the state have announced to take legal action against the patwaris who have reportedly been bribing the farmers to register a report for their damage. 

Agitated farmers have submitted a memorandum to the Mainpur SDM and has urged the issue to be presented before the official incharge. The delegation included Pustam Netam, Mayaram Kapil, Madhusingh OT, Tulsi Ram, resident of Koyba, resident of Patwari Halka number 13 of Mainpur tehsil. The farmers alleged that the Halka Tehsil patwari Shekhar Bandhe bribed Rs 1500 from about 45 farmers for filing their request to avail the financial aid announced by the administration on loss of crops due to unseasonal rains.

Meanwhile, it is also reported that land of nearly 20-25 farmers has been illegally occupied by the Patwaris of their tehsil. Farmers were quoted saying, the complain has been lodged two weeks ago, however no development is notice yet. The farmers call to hold a Chakka jam on National Highway 130 if their demands are not met by December 1.

Several states in southern cost have reported huge damage to the crop due to unseasonably torrential rains. This has led to a drastic rise in sale price of vegetables.