Amazon Employees across the world are planning to strike on Black Friday demanding better working conditions and accountability from top executives. More than 20 nations are scheduled to protest as part of the “Make Amazon Pay” campaign, which is led by a coalition of 70 trade unions and organisations including Greenpeace, Oxfam, and Amazon Workers International.

According to the campaign, people from “oil refineries, factories, warehouses, data centres, and corporate offices” are anticipated to take part in the November 26 event. The protests came amid rising employee dissatisfaction with Amazon’s working conditions, which include long hours, poor pay, and complicated performance assessment systems. Increased compensation, better job security, and “suspension of the rigorous productivity and surveillance regime Amazon has deployed to squeeze workers” are among Make Amazon Pay’s demands.

Make Amazon Pay’s growth comes amid a rough campaign for unionisation across the company, most recently at an Amazon warehouse in Staten Island, which filed for a vote last month. The e-commerce giant was thrust into the spotlight earlier this year after accusations revealed that it had engaged in union-busting tactics that may have derailed a vote at an Alabama warehouse.