Mumbai: A complaint has been lodged against actor-comedian Vir Das at Tilak Marg Police Station. The complaint seeded from a viral video in which he is seen using derogatory language against the nation during an event in US.

Das, who is in the USA currently , updated a video on YouTube, titled “I come from two Indias”, that was part of his recent performance at the John F Kennedy Centre in Washington DC, drew a slew of comments agaisnt the comedian.

Justifying his statemnents, he said they weren’t intended to insult the country.A six minute video, floated on the social media where Das speaks about the duality of the country and mentions some of the most topical issues India is facing, from its battle against COVID-19, incidents of rapes, crackdown against comedians to the farmers’ protests.

Clips and pictures from his monologue trended on Twitter, specifically portions of the video where viral where the comedian said, “I come from an India where we worship women during the day and gang-rape them during the night.”Taking to his microblogging site, Das addressed the comments saying, “The video is a satire about the duality of two very separate India”s that do different things. Like any nation has light and dark, good and evil within it. None of this is a secret. The video appeals for us to never forget that we are great. To never stop focusing on what makes us great.””It ends in a gigantic patriotic round of applause for a country we all love, believe in, and are proud of. That there is more to our country than the headlines, a deep beauty. That’s the point of the video and the reason for the applause,” his statement read.