Coach Rahul Dravid and T20I captain Rohit Sharma had a virtual press conference with the media ahead of the series’ first match, which begins on Wednesday in Jaipur. This was Rahul Dravid’s first press conference since taking over as coach of the Indian cricket team from Ravi Shastri. Both Rohit Sharma and Dravid stressed the importance of sticking to their own T20I pattern and not looking at what other teams are doing. 

Rohit Sharma spoke about Virat Kohli’s role as a batter. He said, “whatever Kohli has been doing, his role will be the same. And he is a very important player for the team. Based on games they are playing and roles will keep changing. When he comes back, it will only strengthen the team. “ He also spoke on workload management. He said, “Workload management is very important to us. The players are not machines. Taking time off is necessary. Freshness of players is extremely important. We want all the players to be fresh for the challenges ahead.” 

Rahul Dravid spoke on separate teams. He also talked about respecting players’ physical and mental health. He said, “We are not at that point where we are looking for separate teams in different formats. At this time we need to respect the players’ physical and mental health.”