The current version of the COP26 draft agreement, released on Friday (12 November), keeps an unprecedented reference to fossil fuels, but softens the language following a heated effort by big coal, oil, and gas producers to have it eliminated totally. However, the substance of this draft is weaker than the previous one, with watered-down language that is subject to interpretation in some places.

The first draft of the summit’s “cover decision” called for countries to “accelerate the phase-out of coal and fossil fuel subsidies.” It also states that commitments should be upgraded in light of “changing national circumstances,” referring to the disparities between affluent and poor countries.

This may ease the concerns of some developing countries, who believe it is unreasonable to ask them to abandon fossil fuels and reduce emissions at the same rate as developed countries, whose emissions are largely to blame for climate change. After a fortnight of rigorous deliberations, the COP26 conference in Glasgow is nearing its conclusion. The majority of observers expect the talks to drag on as delegates squabble over topics.