Mumbai: A city-based businessman claimed Saturday that he was privy to how Aryan Khan, actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son, was “framed up” in the NCB’s alleged drug bust on a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast. Aryan (23), who got bail from the high court after spending three weeks in prison following his arrest on October 3rd, was implicated by some people to make money, businessman Vijay Pagare told Marathi news channels.

It was a pre-planned raid, he said, further claiming he knew the people involved in this episode, including an NCB witness whose selfie with Aryan had gone viral. Earlier, Prabhakar Sail, an independent witness used by the NCB, had alleged that some officials of the Narcotics Control Bureau had tried to extort money for letting off Aryan. The NCB has already launched an inquiry into the allegations.

According to him, he had been living with Sunil Patil for the last few months as he needed to recover a certain amount of money from him. Sunil Patil, according to Maharashtra BJP leader Mohit Kamboj, is someone closely associated with NCP leaders. His name has cropped up during the investigation into the extortion charges.