Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Home Minister, Narottam Mishra, said on Monday that producers and directors will have to notify the authorities about objectionable content or scenes in their stories before seeking permission to shoot in the state, a day after the set of filmmaker Prakash Jha’s web series ‘Ashram’ was ravaged in Bhopal over alleged wrong portrayal of Hinduism. Four persons have been arrested in the vandalism of the set. However, he has objected to the title of the web series ‘Ashram,’ claiming that it offends people’s feelings.

Members of the right-wing Bajrang Dal allegedly wrecked the set of the web series on Sunday, as well as throwing ink on its producer-director Prakash Jha. They  began destroying vehicles on the spot while filming the third season of ‘Ashram’ at the Old Jail premises in the Arera Hills district of Bhopal. The administration will now be required to obtain authorization for filming by submitting the content of the film.

Sushil, the Bajrang Dal’s provincial convener, claimed Prakash Jha would have to change the title of the series or the filming of ‘Ashram’ would be stopped in Bhopal. Prakash Jha, according to Sushil, promised to change the name of the web series.