World: On Friday, The deaths from the deadliest pandemic outbreak surpasses the mark of 1,00,000 worldwide, However, the number of patients reached close to 1.6 M with more than 3,68,000 recoveries.

United States has reported the majority of confirmed infections, nearly half a million and now becomes the most number of deaths registered from any country with 18,015. With this, United States accounts for nearly 30 percent of the all COVID-19 positive cases and over 17 percent of all fatalities globally. According to the experts, the number of death in USA will rise in the coming days and the projection is made of nearly 60,000 deaths amid this epidemic.

According to John Hopkins University, Europe alone, registered more than 70,000 deaths, Spain is the second to America in the world with 1 lac 57 thousand patients while the death toll reached to 15970.

In January, when Corona virus started spreading worldwide, the death toll reached 100,000 on 9 March i.e. after 100 days . Whereas in the last 21 days, 90 thousand people have died from corona. In the coming days, it is estimated that speed will exponentially increase further. It may exceed 10,000 daily deaths.