Following a raid at a party aboard the Cordelia cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai, NCB arrested Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan and others. Aryan Khan reportedly said in a Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) counselling session that he will make amends in the future and make the NCB “proud.” NCB Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede verified the news, saying Aryan promised to make him proud by accomplishing something for the country.

Nawab Malik, a member of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), has asked the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) to confirm statements made by anonymous officials that Aryan Khan expressed “remorse” for his actions while in the Arthur Road Jail. He went on to say that the NCB would have to submit video documentation of the counselling session. He also claimed that the NCB was fabricating reports.

Aryan Khan’s fundamental rights are being violated, and he is a victim of a vengeance by a Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) officer whose wife failed to make it in the film industry, according to a petition filed by a Shiv Sena leader, Kishore Tiwari. He accuses the anti-drugs agency of a “dirty vendetta” against actors and models in his appeal, pleading with the Supreme Court to intervene and “protect Aryan Khan’s fundamental rights.”

Ram Kadam, a Maharashtra BJP leader, responded to the petition by questioning why the Maharashtra government is supporting the “drug mafia.”

Aryan Khan is currently being held at Mumbai’s Arthur Road Central Jail, and the hearing on his bail plea will come up in court on Wednesday.