Bhopal: The Tribal Folk Arts and Language Development Academy in Bhopal will host a 3-day research conference on the topic of “Nomadic Community Oral Traditions.” The seminar will be conducted in the auditorium of the tribal Museum from 19th to 21st of October, according to the Academy director Dr. Dharmendra Pare. He claims that while there are talks about the Nagara, Lok, and Aranyak community’s culture, knowledge, tradition, and artistic sense, there is little research on nomadic communities and their culture.

It’s not easy to research nomadic communities. It’s a challenge to study it. There are nomadic communities throughout the world. Their folklore is rich, ranging from India’s highlands and meadows to rural life. These communities’ traditions, which were largely undisturbed by modernization and material progress, are still alive and well today. Keeping this in mind, the Academy has planned this seminar.

He stated that at the seminar on the 19th of October, researchers and scholars would give research papers and papers on the topics of origin and status, customs, and culture. On the second day of the seminar, on October 20th, researchers will present research papers on deities, festivals, beliefs, and social organization, while on October 21st, oral literature, performing, and metaphorical arts will be discussed.