Chhattisgarh: Given the control and prevention of Novel Coronavirus infection, as well as the possibility of an increase in the number of corona positive cases in the state in the coming months, District Magistrate Sunil Kumar Jain has issued an order that the Eid-e-Milad (Milad-un-Nabi) festival on October 19th should be celebrated peacefully following the guidelines issued by the government. In each Idgah, not more than 150 persons will be present. Aside from that, rallies, processions, and mass gatherings have all been outlawed.

To prevent the spread of coronavirus during the festival season, the state health ministry issued a standard operating procedure. Mass gatherings should be avoided in places designated as Containment Zones and districts with a case positive rate of more than 5%. In districts with a positive rate of 5% or below, gatherings with advance approvals and limited numbers (as per local context) will be permitted. Basis on weekly case positivity, relaxations and limits should be enforced. Although, the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic in the country has subsided, experts have warned that the holiday season should not be taken lightly. They claim that doing so could result in the arrival of a third wave.