Madhya Pradesh: According to an official statement issued on Friday, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will hold a virtual ‘grah pravesh’ (home warming) celebration for 2.51 lakh Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) recipients so that they can move into their new homes before Diwali. In this regard, necessary preparations are being undertaken. “Madhya Pradesh has set an example for the rest of the country by achieving the goal of housing for all by 2022. They will celebrate Deepotsav in their new homes this year before Diwali,” the press release added.

CM Chouhan stated that every impoverished family will be given land on lease and money to build dwellings, depending on their eligibility. So far, the PMAY has aided in the construction of 2,10,5000 houses in the state. The goal was to build 26.28 residential homes. Despite this year’s heavy rains, 160000 houses were constructed in just 3 months. The feat achieved against the aim of constructing 26.28 lakh residences assigned to Madhya Pradesh under the scheme is gratifying and praiseworthy, according to the statement.

Under a special project, housing has been made available to persons from 3 backward tribes: Baiga, Saharia, and Bharia. The majority of the tribes used to live in run-down houses. However, this year before Deepotsav, they will have a new home. A normal time to build a residential house is 4 months, but the Panchayat and Rural Development Department accomplished the work of building pucca houses for the poor at a rapid rate, completing 1 lakh houses in one month.