Mumbai: According to reports, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan was allowed to make a 10-minute video chat with his parents from his jail phone 12 days after his detention in a drug case. During the epidemic last year, jail officials implemented a video call system to allow detainees to connect with their families and lawyers. Aryan received a money order of Rs 4,500 from his parents. As per the jail norms, he can spend the money on food items available at the jail cafeteria.

Meanwhile, Aryan was moved from the quarantine cell at Arthur Road jail to a standard barrack after testing negative for COVID-19, and the star kid was assigned the qaidi (prisoner) number N956. Aryan appears troubled, anxious, and uncomfortable in jail, according to reports, and has been placed in a separate barrack from the other detainees for security reasons. Aryan has been denied home food and is eating the jail meal alongside other detainees.

Earlier on Thursday, in a major defeat for Aryan Khan, a Mumbai special NDPS court postponed a decision on his and other co-bail accused’s applications till October 20th, despite the NCB effectively branding him an ‘addict’ who consumes drugs regularly. As the festive season is in, Aryan and his co-accused Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha will be held in judicial custody in the Arthur Road Central Jail and the Byculla Women’s Jail for the next five days until govt offices resume work.