New York: Ninety-year-old William Shatner, the Star Trek Captain Kirk has hitched a ride out of space emerging as the oldest man on earth to gather a gaze of the edge of the outer space.

Just before landing Shatner was heard saying, “ That was unlike anything they described.” Captain Kirk was aboard the New Shepherd Spacecraft- developed by Blue Origin. Shatner was accompanied by Chris Boshuizen, a co-founder of satellite company Planet Labs and software executive Glen de Vries. Shatner’s trip was sponsored by the Star Trek fan and the owner of Blue Origin Bezo’s himself, while his mates Chris and Glen were paying customers. The crew also included Audrey Powers, Blue Origin Vice President of mission and flight operations.  

The flight that lasted for ten minutes gave the crew weightlessness for about three minutes. The crew strapped into the capsule on Wednesday morning, At around 9:51 am central time the rocket fired up its engine and roared, throwing the capsule 62 miles high, past the Karman Line.

Shatner’s new record comes three months after an 83-year-old former astronaut Wally Funk accompanied Bezos in his flight in July.