Chennai: The Indian Air Force (IAF) officer who was allegedly raped by her colleague has claimed that she felt ‘harassed’ after being subjected to the ‘two-finger test’. After the alleged medical examination, the victim claimed she was forced to “relive the sexual assault trauma”. The officer claimed that IAF doctors subjected her to the illegal and inconvenient two-finger test. In the past, such tests have sparked widespread outrage across the country. The test is regarded as unscientific.

According to the victim, she went to the police because she was dissatisfied with the investigation conducted by the IAF. The crime occurred about two weeks ago. The female officer also claimed that she was forced to sign documents that she refused. An all-female team from Gandhipuram Police Station in the district conducted the initial investigation in the case.

Earlier on Sunday, the 29-year-old Flight Lieutenant accused of rape was apprehended in the Tamil Nadu district of Coimbatore. The female IAF officer filed a police report and claimed that she was questioned about her sexual history. The victim claimed she was sexually assaulted inside her room at Redfields Air Force Administrative College in Coimbatore. The officer was undergoing training at the air force college.