Punjab: In a shocking development, Navjot Singh Sidhu, who was being seen as a major contender for the Chief Minister face in the upcoming assembly elections in Punjab, resigned as the party’s state chief on Tuesday. The move comes ahead of former Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh’s Delhi visit amid speculation about his future course of action.

Sidhu sent his resignation letter to party chief Sonia Gandhi in which he said that “The collapse of a man’s character stems from the compromise corner; I can never compromise on Punjab’s future and the agenda for the welfare of Punjab. Therefore, I hereby resign as the President of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee,” he mentioned. Sidhu clarified that he would continue to be a part of the party. “Will continue to serve the Congress,” he added. He, however, did not explain about the “compromise” part mentioned in the letter.

Sidhu was appointed as the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee chief earlier in July amid escalating tension within the Punjab Congress. Along with him, Congress had also appointed four working presidents for the Punjab unit-Sangat Singh Gilzian, Sukhwinder Singh Danny, Pawan Goel and Kuljit Singh Nagra.