On Thursday, Amazon Prime Video announced that filmmaker Shoojit Sircar’s next feature “Sardar Udham,” starring Vicky Kaushal, will premiere on its platform. This movie also stars “October” actors Banita Sandhu and Amol Parashar. Sardar Udham Singh, a freedom warrior who assassinated Michael O’ Dwyer, the former Lieutenant Governor of Punjab in British India, in 1940 to avenge the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, is the subject of the film.

Rising Sun Films collaborated with Kino Works to produce the film. According to the streamer, “Sardar Udham” is a “heartbreaking saga of retribution” that “showcases the path of a courageous man who made sure the world never forgets the lives of his loving comrades who were ruthlessly slaughtered in the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre of 1919.”

Vijay Subramaniam, Director and Head, Content, Amazon Prime Video, said, “With every story that we present on Amazon Prime Video, we ensure that the narrative is replete with emotions and depth that finds a place in the heart of every viewer.” He further added, “we are proud to present Sardar Udham, a stirring story of courage, fortitude and fearlessness, from the buried treasures of our history and culture. We are certain that our viewers across the spectrum will be inspired by this film that honours the life of one of the greatest martyrs in Indian history, whose profound and heart-wrenching sacrifice avenged the death of many innocents.”