Madhya Pradesh: The MP government today sanctioned Rs.7 crores and 73 lakhs to reinstill the functioning of the Kilkila Feeder Canal under Suraaj Abhiyaan.  It is reported that residents from Panna city have been facing water crises almost every year. This sanction comes as a boom to the residents of the city who would now receive ample water. ‘Khora Talab’ which is the main source of water in the city reportedly dried and was being revived by the state government as it released water frequently through the Kilkila Canal.

Since the lake dried, the barren land had turned into a playground and a site of worship. Earlier, the ancient lake along with a smaller lake Nirpat taal has dried up leading to a decline in the water table of the city. Currently, Lokpal Sagar served as a source of water for irrigation. 

The city has been facing water crises for long and is survived by water tankers. The old canal system-Kilkila canal would now rejuvenate the Panna region. The canal system was built in such a way that it would bring all the water from the hills to the three lakes.