West Bengal: Former BJP MP Babul Supriyo joined the Trinamool Congress (TMC) on Saturday, marking a momentous milestone in West Bengal. In the presence of senior leader Derek O’Brien and MP Abhishek Banerjee, the former Union Minister, who had just days before renounced politics and promised to fight for his consistency without being linked with any political group, was spotted joining Mamata Banerjee’s TMC. The singer-turned-politician left the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) after being asked to resign as the Union Cabinet’s Minister of State for Environment during a reshuffle in July.

Babul Supriyo’s shocking announcement comes after the politician met with BJP National President JP Nadda in August and declared that he will leave politics and focus on his duties as a Member of Parliament from Asansol. “Except for the monthly salary, I will no longer be able to enjoy the benefits. I’m moving out of my Delhi apartment and giving up security ” Babul Supriyo made a statement to the media in August.

Mr Supriyo slammed the Chief Minister in June 2019 after she objected to BJP supporters yelling “Jai Shri Ram” over what she believed was the BJP’s attempt to “create disturbance in West Bengal by mixing religion and politics.” “She is a seasoned politician, but her behaviour is strange and bizarre,” claimed a former junior Environment Minister. Mr Supriyo made a dig at Ms Banerjee in February this year, three months before the West Bengal assembly poll, over the Trinamool’s election slogan, “Bengal wants its daughter.” “Yes, we will send her off this time,” Mr Supriyo tweeted. Despite losing the poll in Nandigram, Ms Banerjee’s party did well and halted the BJP’s march through Bengal.