Megha Kosle, The word traveling brings a lot of Adrenaline rush, especially in this post covid era right! It relaxes your mind, body, and soul but deciding what to pack is the trickiest part of the traveling. Trust us; we know how stressful it can be, from choosing your clothes to footwear, accessories to makeup. Traveling often takes a toll on your skin and we often tend to forget to pack the skincare items while traveling.

 So let’s start with a list of the most essential items that one must always carry:

  1. Facial wipes

Facial wipes play a mandatory role when you travel as it helps you to remove your makeup or just wipe your face to get the fresh look and ready to go for your sightseeing. The facial wipes can easily cleanse impurities, dirt, and pollution from your face and make you look fresh, you can even easily carry it in your purse while you go sightseeing because of its size and it’s easy to carry.

The best face wipes - reviews

2. Dry shampoo

If you are a lazy person who hates to wash their hair while traveling then Dry shampoo is your best friend, as the name suggests the dry shampoo is just like your hair spray but do not mistake it for hairs spray. It removes the oiliness from your hair and makes it look like you have washed your hair. So when you travel for 2 to 4 days you can definitely use dry shampoo.

Best Dry Shampoo of 2021 - Reviewed

3. Sunscreen

Always remember, when you travel your skin tends to get more damaged with sun rays and to protect yourself from sun damage you should always apply sunscreen while you travel to avoid wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and many more and ALWAYS keep it in your bag all the time.

Don’t forget to buy a good sunscreen

Sunscreen Tips to Keep Your Skin Safe in the Sun

4. Pimple patch/acne patch

This is a lifesaver when you travel…why? Because these pimple patches can make your pimple disappear overnight and when you travel you come in contact with dirt, pollution, etc which can pop a pimple in your skin. 

Now the question is how? Well, you just need to stick one of those patches where your pimple is and leave it overnight, the next day you’ll see your skin pimple free and glowing.

Acne Pimple Patch Acne Treatment Stickers Pimple Remover Tool Blemish Spot  Skin Care Facial Mask Waterproof 22 Patches | Wish

5. Sheet mask

when you travel your skin suffers a lot and loses its hydration if not taken care of it properly, so to give it hydration you should apply it whenever you feel dehydrated, and the best time to apply it is before going to bed as it’s the most relaxing time you get from traveling and sightseeing, plus it’s easy to carry and won’t take much space in your bag.

All About Sheet Masks: What They Are, How to Use Them and More – The Urban  Guide