Afghanistan: Chaos enveloped the capital city Kabul after the Afghanistan government collapsed and the Taliban seized control. Officials report attacks being initiated by ISIS-K that has killed several Afghan civilians and foreign nationals over the past few days.

The US is airlifting Military personnel and diplomatic staff out of Afghanistan ahead of the withdrawal deadline. Turmoil prevailed at the Kabul airport, as scores of Afghan civilians possessing legal documents for evacuations are waiting to be airlifted, sources report

On Monday morning, the US missile defence system C-RAM interrupted five rockets being fired at the Kabul airport on Monday morning, US officials reported.  So far no causalities have been reported in the recent strike. Kabul residents claim to have heard blasts in the early hours of the day.

 On Sunday, Pentagon had informed that the US Drone strikes hit a vehicle with ‘multiple suicide bombers’ from Islamic State-Khorasan, a splinter group of the Islamic State. The ISK was reportedly en route to the Kabul airport where scores of people were killed on Thursday in an attack.  Furthermore, on Sunday a group of 86 Afghan media workers and their families arrived in Mexico, the Ministry informed. This is the third group of evacuees to have arrived in Mexico since the Taliban took over.

The recent few days have witnessed hundreds and thousands of evacuations spearheaded by several nations across the world.  The rapid advancement by the Taliban comes in the backdrop of President Biden’s announcement to withdraw the US troops stationed in the country for the past 20 years.

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