Kabul: Afghanistan’s former vice president, Amrullah Saleh, on Thursday challenged Taliban and Pakistan’s authority over Afghanistan and urged them not to bow to terror groups. 

“Nations must respect the rule of law, not violence. Afghanistan is too big for Pakistan to swallow and too big for Talibs to govern. Don’t let your histories have a chapter on humiliation and bowing to terror groups,” he tweeted making it clear that he will not surrender.

Since the Taliban took charge, over12 people have died in and around Kabul as the desperate Afghan nationals try to flee from the country. Emergency Surgical Centre in Panjshir Province has outrun its services for War Victims in Kabul, sources informed.

In the meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has announced the presence of US troops in the country beyond the 31 August withdrawal deadline to make sure all American citizens are safely evacuated. Several Western nations have been deploying aircraft to lift their citizens and Afghan nationals from Kabul Airport. New Zealand PM Jacinda in a recent announcement informed the engagement of NZAir Force Hercules aircraft to assist evacuation. 

Since the Taliban entered Kabul over the weekend, scenes of chaos have unfolded as thousands seek to leave, fearing a return to the austere interpretation of Islamic law imposed during the previous Taliban rule that ended 20 years ago.