According to Russian Embassy, Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani fled from Kabul on Sunday along with 4 cars and a helicopter packed up with cash. “As for the collapse of the regime, it is most eloquently characterized by the way Ghani fled from Afghanistan: four cars were full of money, they tried to put part of the money into a helicopter, but everything did not fit. And some of the money was left on the runway”, said Russian diplomatic mission spokesperson Nikita Ishenko on Monday. 

However, Ashraf Ghani stated on Sunday that he left Afghanistan in order to keep away from “bloodshed” as Kabul fell into the hands of the Taliban and the terror group occupied the Afghanistan presidential palace. In a Facebook post, Ghani mentioned that from now on, the Taliban will be held accountable for the “honor, wealth, and preservation” of the Afghanistan citizens. Ghani further added that he had to confront a “hard choice” between “the armed Taliban” or “leaving the dear country that I dedicated my life to protecting the past 20 years.”  

In a recent tweet, Zarah Sultana, a Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom stated, “Britain shares responsibility for the disaster that is unfolding in Afghanistan. That responsibility demands we learn lessons-never again waging wars doomed to cause untold misery and death-and welcoming refugees forced to flee the country.” In the meantime, the Taliban group is formulating the future government plans of Afghanistan in Doha after acquiring control of Kabul and capturing the presidential palace of Afghanistan. The terror group is in close relation with the intra-Afghan parties to establish a government in Afghanistan.