Kabul’s streets were deserted early on Monday, a day after Taliban insurgents took over the Afghanistan capital without a fight, but the Kabul airport was jammed with hundreds of civilians trying to flee. The country was taken over by Taliban Commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar as the interim Govt. 

Hours ago today, the US shot strikes in the air as panic prevailed after the Taliban entered Kabul city. Unverified videos floated on social media that featured thousands of people jostling to board the planes departing from Kabul Airport. 

Several nations’ deployed flights to evacuate citizens from the Taliban acquired land. However few airlines namely the United airlines, Emirates announced to reroute its flights to avoid Afghanistan air space. 

South Korea shut down its embassy and evacuated most of its staff from Kabul, while the US diplomats also vacated the embassy on Sunday  and destroyed all sensitive documents as per the directions. 

New Zealand on Monday announced the safe evacuation of its citizens and Afghan nationals who worked alongside the New Zealand Defence Forces. 

The Afghan government collapsed after the US announced to withdraw its forces from the country, which enabled the Taliban to achieve a milestone in gaining control over the capital city of Kabul. The astonishingly quick collapse of the government, with terrorists taking over the presidential palace on Sunday night, triggered fear and panic in the capital.