Afghanistan: We see so much news about Taliban atrocities in Afghanistan frequently.  But seldom do we emphasize on them unless it becomes a matter of international concern. Afghan cricketer Rashid Khan put the world leaders to “think deeply” after he tweeted about the condition his country is facing. The Taliban fighters are taking possession of major afghan provinces leading to forcing US troops to “pull out” completely from the country.

After understanding the grave situation, Rashid took to twitter to express his concern. He wrote, “Dear World Leaders! My country is in chaos, thousands of innocent people, including children & women, get martyred every day, houses & properties being destroyed. Thousands of families were displaced. Don’t leave us in chaos. Stop killing Afghans & destroying Afghanistan. We want peace”. Soon after his tweet several political leaders across the world brought this into light and opened discussions for the same.

The afghan president Ashraf Ghani called the regional “strongmen” to provide support to his government so that he can take the matter furthermore. It is not that this has erupted in Afghanis for a shorter interval of time; they have been suffering for more than 20 years now. The hardline Islamists view that the Talibans have, has led to several atrocities in the past. If the world leaders do not take necessary steps immediately it can lead to war-like situations. Hope with Rashid’s tweet, things can be controlled.