Washington: US President Joe Biden on Friday nominated Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti as his ambassador to India.Earlier during the Trump Administration,  Kenneth Juster served as India’s Ambassador to the US. However, if the senate approves Garcetti, 50, he would replace Kenneth Juster.

 Early this week, Juster was appointed as a distinguished fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.  “I am honoured to accept his nomination to serve in this role,” Garcetti said. Top American lawmakers and eminent members of the Indian-American community described it as an excellent choice.

 Mayor Garcetti is an excellent choice to serve as US ambassador to India. The importance of India to the global economy and national security will only continue to grow over the coming years and having a steady hand to guide our relationship with that nation is vital, Senator Dianne Feinstein said. 

 Eric M Garcetti has been the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles since 2013, following 12 years as a member of the City Council, including six as Council President. As Mayor, Garcetti has been handling the busiest container port in the Western Hemisphere, the largest municipal utility in the country, and one of the busiest airports in the world. 

Currently, he chairs LA Metro,  the country’s second-busiest transit agency, which is building or extending 15 new transit lines, and shifting to an all-electric fleet.