World: As the summit concluded both the supreme powers agreed to re-deploy their respective ambassador to Washington and Moscow in a bid to improve their crippled diplomatic relations.

Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov vacated Washington in March amid a row after the US President called Putin a killer in a TV interview. 

John Sullivan, the US ambassador to Russia, also flew out of Moscow in April after a public suggestion from Russian officials demanded he replicate Antonov’s departure. 

What the Supreme Powers communicated:


Both Biden and Putin agreed to have their experts work on their infrastructure to lay off cyberattacks. The conversation surfaced amid a flood of ransomware attacks on US Business and government agencies. 

Nuclear Weapons

A strategic stability dialogue was put forth on the table from both parties to reduce the perennial wars between the world’s two largest nuclear nations. 

Prisoner Exchange

An exchange of Americans detained in Russia was also put forth. Biden said Paul Whelan and Trevor Reed were being “wrongly imprisoned”. On the contrary, Russia stated that it sought the release of Russian arms trader Viktor Bout and Pilot Konstantin Yareshenko for more than a decade now. Both parties pledged to follow up the conversation.

Human Rights

Biden and Putin exchanged dialogue over violation of Human rights. Biden mentioned the internationally publicized case of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.


Biden pressed Putin to close the last humanitarian crossing into Syria. However, no deal was acknowledged to keep it open. 

Afghanistan and Iran

Biden expressed the desire for peace and security in Afghanistan.  Biden’s administration is mounting new efforts to get Iran to comply with the terms of a nuclear deal it had once agreed to before Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, withdrew the US and other world powers struck with Iran in 2015.

Read More: Biden-Putin summit: US and Russian Leaders set for Geneva Talks

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