Washington: Global climate change calls out world leaders to immediately step up the climate game. 

Investors have scheduled more than $41 trillion to leverage the wave of clean energy investment. More than 45 investors signed a letter that was released on Thursday urging top leaders to set more ambitious emission reduction targets, detail “clear” road maps to decarbonize pollution-heavy industries and implement mandatory climate risk disclosure requirements. 

The letter signed by Fidelity, State Street and other influential asset management firms, marks the strongest call yet from investors urging governments around the world to take bolder steps to fight the climate crisis. This letter came after the G7 nations met in the UK to discuss major global issues. 

 “These gaps in climate ambition, policy action, and risk disclosure need to be addressed with urgency,” the signatories wrote in the letter. The confederation of investors called on top leaders to  “significantly strengthen” their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to tackling climate change for 2030 and to “ensure a planned transition to net-zero emissions” by 2050 or sooner. 

The debate over the climate crisis comes amidst the climate changes experienced across the globe. All signatories added that a delay in action would heat the world in excess of 3 degrees celsius this century.