Raipur: Following PM Modi’s virtual address on Monday, CM Bhupesh Baghel, Wednesday called the free vaccination strategy a ‘delayed decision’ by the centre. 

Stressing on the challenge faced by states amidst the shortage of vaccine supply, he informed that the Chhattisgarh Government had opted for a free vaccination to its people during the budget session of the state assembly. He criticized the government for its former vaccination strategy which excluded the citizens between 18-44 years. 

As per statistics given by the health department, the state received only 9,38,530 doses of vaccine from May 1 to June 7, which haven’t sufficed the needs of the state. 

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Additionally, state health minister, TS Singh Dev announced the closure of the CG Teeka portal. The state government had curated its own portal to register its citizens for vaccination. However, as the centre announced to revise its vaccination strategy, the state government now decided to shut down its portal. In a department meeting today all authorized individuals would discuss and release new guidelines of the vaccination program in the state.

So far, the state health department ordered 1.5 crore vaccine doses of both covaxin and Covishield for which it has paid Rs 47.3 crores. Until 7th June, the state immunized 8,63,501 beneficiaries in the age group of 18 – 44 years.

Read More: India Logs 92,596 Coronavirus Cases; 2,219 Mortalities Observed
