New Delhi: With the arrival of coronavirus, a healthy lifestyle has now become more of a necessity than a choice. Health-conscious beings have to resort to numerous healthy alternatives to live hail and heartily.

Packed foods have been brought off the shelves, which has made these packaged food and beverage companies rethink their strategies of production and sale. 

 Reports state that as per the data shared by the company’s officials, only 37 percent of Nestle’s food and beverages by revenues, excluding products such as pet food and specialized medical nutrition, achieve a rating above 3.5 under Australia’s health star rating system.  

The recent development in the FMCG industry has targeted Nestle over its products being unhealthy majorly. In response to this claim, Nestle on June 3 acknowledged that about 60 percent of its products are unhealthy, while Amul-PETA vegan row shows that the discourse on “health” has gone mainstream in India. 

Earlier this week, Amul and People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) stood at war fronts after the milk cooperative’s former vice-chairman Valamji Humbal wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging him to utilize his veto and disregard the non-governmental organization.

The core concern is the global discourse on vegetarian and non-vegetarian food habits that have prevailed in an individual’s lifestyle. This controversy surfaced after Amul objected to companies labelling plant-based beverages as milk.